Sunday, November 24, 2013

M4 restaurant menu ordering

the post includes

1  written dialogue (approx.  11 lines)

2  audio recording of (1)

3  photo:  restaurant menu

time allotted: 2-3 class periods

number of posts: 1

find a restaurant menu of a Bangkok
restaurant and post it

write your dialogue like the one on page 58,
ex 3 but use the food items from the menu
that you found and posted

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand


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