Wednesday, December 18, 2013

M5: Headlines

This assignment is similar to p62,
exercise 3 and p65, exercise 11.

Each member posts:

1. 3 headlines from any newspaper
on the web

2.  A complete sentence or 2 that explains
the headline.

3.  A photo that goes with the headline
(you'll have to find one if there is no photo
with the story)

4.  An audio file of number 2.

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Sunday, December 15, 2013

M4: Signs and Labels

M4:  Signs and Labels

This assignment is similar to p64,
exercise 3 .

Each member posts

1. 3 signs or labels found on the web

2.  A complete sentence or 2 that explains
the sign or label.

3.  A photo that shows the sign or label in use.

4.  An audio file of number 2.

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Sunday, November 24, 2013

M4 restaurant menu ordering

the post includes

1  written dialogue (approx.  11 lines)

2  audio recording of (1)

3  photo:  restaurant menu

time allotted: 2-3 class periods

number of posts: 1

find a restaurant menu of a Bangkok
restaurant and post it

write your dialogue like the one on page 58,
ex 3 but use the food items from the menu
that you found and posted

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

M5 - Job Interview

the post includes

1  written interview (5-7 q&a)

2  audio recording of (1)

3  job ad (image)

time allotted : 2-3 class periods

number of posts: 1 per blog

find a job advertisement that someone
in your group would like to apply for

think up 5-7 questions and answers that
relate to the job ad you selected

all blog members help with this assignment
or 1 could look for the ad, one could write
the questions, one could write the answers

all 3 should do the recording; 2 interviewers/
1 interviewee

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Sunday, November 17, 2013

M4 - U7 - Eat Out

your post must include:

1  written report(approx 1 paragraph)

2  audio recording of (1)

3  photos

time allotted: 2-3 class periods

number of posts: up to 3 per blog
depending on number of members

each blog member reviews  a restaurant
/food shop in Bangkok that he has eaten in

there are many examples on the Internet
-  study those if you don't know how to
format your review

advice:  a)  since you only have to write a
paragraph you should focus on only 1
or 2 dishes -  b)  you must include whether
you recommend it or not  c)  you must name
the restaurant / food shop and give the
address d)  you can use the English
transliteration for famous Thai dishes like
phat Thai, khow pat, somtam or tom yum kung;
if the dish  is not well known you will have to describe
it in English

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

M5 - cd/mp3/recording group review

Note Well:  Do not do this assignment until
you finish assignment 1 (27OCT2013)

this assignment is modeled after the one
on page 51, ex 2, paragraphs 2 and 3 - study it first

one post per blog


1  music samples

2  photos

3 written review

4 recorded review(same as 3 only spoken)

divide work as follows:

prepare music samples (student 1)
find photos (student 2)
write + record review (student 3)

obviously if you have 1-2 members
you will have to divide the work differently

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Sunday, November 3, 2013

M4 Festival Feelings

Note Well:  Do not do this assignment until
you finish assignment 1(27OCT2013)


this assignment is modeled after the one
on page 46, ex 3a - study it first

one post per blog

you are to include :

name of Thai Festival
sound file
written post

time of year  + place + reason (student 1)
activities (student 2)
how it makes you feel (student 3)

each student contributes to the
written post

each student contributes to the sound

obviously if you have 1-2 members
you will have to divide the tasks differently

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Sunday, October 27, 2013

m4, m5 Intros

<you do not have to finish
it today; you can save
what you do in the cloud;
and go back to it next week;
be sure you have a cloud

post 2 items

1  a captioned photo
of your blog members
or of you if you are
doing the blog alone;
captions = blog name;blog

2  an audio file that
plays like the one in
my post of 11 Sept;

include your names, that
you are students at BCC,
likes, dislikes, what your
plans are for the future

you can do it monologue
style; interview style;
or another style but I
must be able to tell who's
speaking at any given time;
try to speak as clearly as
possible; make it a clean
recording - no static -
and edit it so there is not
a lot of blank space

NB:  if you want to make a video

instead - that's OK

but you will have to write

blog name and blog members

under it -

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to make an audio post

1.  make audio file in .mp3

2.  upload to host : I like

3.  paste HTML into blog page

<audio controls="" height="100" width="100">
  <source src="
" type="audio/mpeg"></source>

 4. change  to your file name which you get in step 2

see examples in my M4 post of

Friday, July 19, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

M4 Clothing and Accessories Catalogue page

See the catalogue page on p39.  Create something similar

using clothing and accessories that you like.  Write descriptions

and include prices in baht.  One catalogue page post per blog

group .  

Remember to adjust your blog language settings so that most

of it is in English.

Remember to do the 'Cloud Computing' assignment if you have not

done it yet.

This is the last blog assignment for the semester.  If you don't finish it,

save it in the cloud.  You can complete it for homework.  I'll take a

final look at the blogs on 20 September.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

M5 Chapter 5

Choose 2.

Have blog members help.

Choice 1: see page 39 about body
language.  Collect pictures of
body language and label what
the body language is communicating.
About 6 examples would be enough.

Choice 2:  see page 41, the project is to
write a short paragraph about a Thai festival.
Decorate with pictures.  Add a sound file
if you are able.

Choice 3:  see page 37, write a short article
about a Thai mythical creature.  Decorate with
pictures.  Add a sound file if you are able.

Remember to do 'cloud computing' BEFORE the
semester is over.

Remember to adjust the language settings so that
most of your blog is in English.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

M4 Fact File Zondle

After you create your quiz as explained in
the 16 August post, do the following:

1  go to and sign up as a teacher

2  find a game you like and use your quiz to make
    the game with your quiz

3  post the link to the blog - see mine below

a Judy's quiz game

4  one game per blog group

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

M5 Table Manners - Redux

1  In case you forgot, you are working on a poster

about table manners when dining in a restaurant in Thailand.

Please make the poster large enough to be read easily.

Also find some nice graphics to decorate it.

2  If you have not done the cloud computing assignment,

do that first.

3  Please adjust the language settings so that most of the blog

is in English.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

M5 Table Manners in Thailand

Do the writing exercise in portfolio on page 29.
A poster showing do's and don'ts when dining out in Thailand.

Friday, August 16, 2013

M4 Fact File

This exercise is modeled after ex 6, page 33.

Collect 'fun' facts about Thailand - have your partners help.

 Make up the quiz questions like I've done about the USA below.

Go here to make your quiz -

it will generate the HTML code which you can post.

1. By population, the USA is
first largest country.
third largest country.
second largest country.
2. The USA has 50 states. Which state joined last?
3. What is the national bird of the USA?
bald eagle
4. Which famous American is on the one dollar bill?
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
George Bush
5. The motto of the USA is
In God We Trust
First Come, First Served
Where There's A Will, There's A Way
6. The national anthem of the United States is
My Country 'Tis of Thee
America, the Beautiful
The Star-Spangled Banner
7. What is the currency used in the USA?
US dollar
8. After English, which is the next most spoken language?
9. What is the most visited USA theme park?
Universal Studio
Magic Kingdom
10. What is the most watched sport in the USA?
American football
Score =
Correct answers:

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cloud Computing

1  Watch this video.

2  * Find a picture that you think represents
cloud computing clearly and post it.

*Caption it: Cloud Computing

3  Search the Internet : free cloud storage, free cloud storage for students, etc.

4  Explore free cloud storage sites - and post 
the URL and your comments about the site;
EACH STUDENT should write up at least 3 sites.
open a few accounts and upload some files;
how fast is it?  Retrieve some files.  How fast is
it?  Does it clearly show your files?  Compare the
amount of free storage.

* Post the following for each site:

Site:                                             Date: 1 August 2013

Upload speed:                             Download speed:

Does it clearly show your files?


*what to post

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

environment poster

see poster on p 11 of the booklet

the exercise is in the book p15, portfolio

change the school to Bangkok Christian College

add one other activity to the poster in the time & activity part

add images as appropriate

replicate the poster using any graphic software


use these links to create the poster

or any other from a google search : 1)  free online poster maker;

2)  free online graphic editor

when finished add the poster to your blog

if you finish early go back to previous assignments

ask questions if you are not sure what to do

you have 80 minutes there are no other assignments today

each blog member should design and post their own poster

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Catch up

M4 & M5 If you have not finished all the assignments, try to finish them today. If you have finished everything, or you finish early, I want you to do the last assignment - helping the environment - with a different picture and include a sound file.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


7 July (M4 & M5 assignment)

Final product

Powered by Cincopa


1.  Upload an image as described below

Do an Internet search for a photograph that 

shows "people" caring for the environment.

There must be people in the picture.

Don't use pictures with logos on them.  

Find clean pictures.

Use the following search terms if you can't find a picture to use:

      people caring for environment
      people planting trees
      people cleaning beaches
      people recycling bottles
      people recycling bottles
      people recycling
      people conserving energy
      people driving hybrids
      business people walking to work
      people walking to work
      business people cycling to work
      people riding the bus
      people riding the subway
      people saving endangered animals
      people using public transportation
      Sierra Club
      people canoeing
      people kayaking
      people adopting an animal
      people change to energy saving light bulb
      people vegetarian food
      people saving environment
      people using stairs instead of lifts

2.  make a list of words and phrases you would need to describe this picture

In this step be certain to include everything.  People: what they are wearing, what they are doing
where they are, imagine how you think they are feeling; Objects: name the object, describe the object,
how its being used; the background: where is it,  what does it look like ; the background: where is it,
what does it look like 

Use the following links for the English words you don't know:

3.  If you have time, make a sound file of the key words and phrases that you would use to 
     describe the picture.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

M4 (week of  July 1) 

Make a recording of the talk on page 1 and 2 in the booklet.

Then post it to your blog.  Follow the 3 steps in the 25 June



Tuesday, June 25, 2013

listen to my audio above and follow the steps - ask a question if you have one

1  record

you will have to agree to many permissions - don't forget to set audio input to microphone

make sure the file sounds good - before you upload - file is automatically saved in


2  upload file

sign up for free account - upload the file -copy the html that is automatically generated

3  paste html generated in DivShare to Blogger - html mode



In this case I used and after I signed up I found out that the file that
you record cannot be played back until you finish - making editing impossible.
Then when I got the URL there was silence - it recorded silence.
So I may try this again - but not for now.

This was a success.  If you have a short recording -one minute or less this is

a good option.