Wednesday, February 12, 2014

m5 Nature / weather / natural disasters

complete as many as you have time for

Assignment I

a)  see page 73, ex 9 for the model

b)  do the writing project on page 73

use a Thai weather or seasonal festival

Each blog

1 posts the paragraph

2  an audio file of 1

3  appropriate image(s)

Assignment II

a)  see page 74, ex 1 for the model

b)  write your own weather related conversation

Each blog

1 posts the dialogue (at least 2 people)

2  an audio file of 1

3  appropriate image(s)

you may want to use this

to create your illustrated dialogue

Assignment III

a)  see page 70, ex 5 for the model

b)  find weather disaster newspaper
     headlines / write a caption underneath
     each one describing what where and when

Each blog

1 posts the 4-5 headlines
   and writes descriptions

2  an audio file of 1

3  appropriate image(s)

all assignments:

you can do it in video style

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Sunday, February 9, 2014

m4_Teens & Technology

3 assignments - do at least one
more if you have time

>Assignment 1

each blog

your opinion of the top 3 favorite
activities of Thai teens (see p77 -76)

the post includes

1  written opinion

2  audio recording of (1)

3  photo:  of the 3 activities

>Assignment 2

each blog

write a text message and translate it
(see page 79 ex 7)

the post includes

1  text message & translation

2  audio recording of (1)

3  photo:  relevant image

>Assignment 3

each blog:

write a science quiz
(see page 81 ex 7)

the post includes:

1  science quiz with answers

2  audio recording of (1)

3  photo:  relevant images

all assignments:

you can do it in video style

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

M5 - insects

refer to page 69, ex 8

for each member of the blog

choose an insect native to Thailand,

preferably a dangerous one

1  post something like ex 8
    including a photo;

    (add to the report
    if it is a nuisance or dangerous

2   create a sound file for step 1 in which
     you use the information in the chart
     to talk about the insect (insert insect
    sound if possible)

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Sunday, January 26, 2014

M4 _ Favorite Movies

Each blog member chooses
3 movies - old or new.

For each movie, post:

1  why you like it

2  a photo to identify the movie

3  a link to the trailer

4  an audio file of 1

you can do it in video style if you want
except the links

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Sunday, January 19, 2014

m4 - Graffiti

see p73, ex 11 for background knowledge

one per blog

1  find and post one example of graffiti

2  write your opinion of graffiti - each student in
    the blog group contributes  -  (answer questions
    like :  what do you like or dislike about grafitti/
    grafitti in Bangkok - how much/ is it increasing/
   decreasing / is it art or an eyesore)

3  make and post an audio recording of step 2

4  explore the below sites and create and post
one original graffiti creation

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Sunday, January 5, 2014

M4 Sports Quiz

similar to p64, ex 1

one per blog

1  post your sports quiz with photos
    use the passive

2  post sound file of the question and

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

M5 eye-witness

one story / dialogue per blog
all members contribute

search on thailand road accident

find a recent one

1  Post: photo and headline

2 Post: the question words below and answers (details)






3  Post: an imaginary dialogue similar to

p66 ex 1 which is an 'eye-witness account' of the


4.  Post: An audio file of number 3.

you can do it in video style if you want

"Scoring Rubric"

0 if you copy from someone else's blog
1 if you copy from the Internet with no changes
2-3 everything but sound files
4-5 everything

***if you do not understand what you have to do
- ask - you will not be able to claim later that you
did not understand