Sunday, October 27, 2013

m4, m5 Intros

<you do not have to finish
it today; you can save
what you do in the cloud;
and go back to it next week;
be sure you have a cloud

post 2 items

1  a captioned photo
of your blog members
or of you if you are
doing the blog alone;
captions = blog name;blog

2  an audio file that
plays like the one in
my post of 11 Sept;

include your names, that
you are students at BCC,
likes, dislikes, what your
plans are for the future

you can do it monologue
style; interview style;
or another style but I
must be able to tell who's
speaking at any given time;
try to speak as clearly as
possible; make it a clean
recording - no static -
and edit it so there is not
a lot of blank space

NB:  if you want to make a video

instead - that's OK

but you will have to write

blog name and blog members

under it -