Wednesday, August 28, 2013

M5 Table Manners - Redux

1  In case you forgot, you are working on a poster

about table manners when dining in a restaurant in Thailand.

Please make the poster large enough to be read easily.

Also find some nice graphics to decorate it.

2  If you have not done the cloud computing assignment,

do that first.

3  Please adjust the language settings so that most of the blog

is in English.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

M5 Table Manners in Thailand

Do the writing exercise in portfolio on page 29.
A poster showing do's and don'ts when dining out in Thailand.

Friday, August 16, 2013

M4 Fact File

This exercise is modeled after ex 6, page 33.

Collect 'fun' facts about Thailand - have your partners help.

 Make up the quiz questions like I've done about the USA below.

Go here to make your quiz -

it will generate the HTML code which you can post.

1. By population, the USA is
first largest country.
third largest country.
second largest country.
2. The USA has 50 states. Which state joined last?
3. What is the national bird of the USA?
bald eagle
4. Which famous American is on the one dollar bill?
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
George Bush
5. The motto of the USA is
In God We Trust
First Come, First Served
Where There's A Will, There's A Way
6. The national anthem of the United States is
My Country 'Tis of Thee
America, the Beautiful
The Star-Spangled Banner
7. What is the currency used in the USA?
US dollar
8. After English, which is the next most spoken language?
9. What is the most visited USA theme park?
Universal Studio
Magic Kingdom
10. What is the most watched sport in the USA?
American football
Score =
Correct answers: