Sunday, June 30, 2013

M4 (week of  July 1) 

Make a recording of the talk on page 1 and 2 in the booklet.

Then post it to your blog.  Follow the 3 steps in the 25 June



Tuesday, June 25, 2013

listen to my audio above and follow the steps - ask a question if you have one

1  record

you will have to agree to many permissions - don't forget to set audio input to microphone

make sure the file sounds good - before you upload - file is automatically saved in


2  upload file

sign up for free account - upload the file -copy the html that is automatically generated

3  paste html generated in DivShare to Blogger - html mode



In this case I used and after I signed up I found out that the file that
you record cannot be played back until you finish - making editing impossible.
Then when I got the URL there was silence - it recorded silence.
So I may try this again - but not for now.

This was a success.  If you have a short recording -one minute or less this is

a good option.