Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to make an audio post

1.  make audio file in .mp3

2.  upload to host : I like

3.  paste HTML into blog page

<audio controls="" height="100" width="100">
  <source src="
" type="audio/mpeg"></source>

 4. change  to your file name which you get in step 2

see examples in my M4 post of

Friday, July 19, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

M4 Clothing and Accessories Catalogue page

See the catalogue page on p39.  Create something similar

using clothing and accessories that you like.  Write descriptions

and include prices in baht.  One catalogue page post per blog

group .  

Remember to adjust your blog language settings so that most

of it is in English.

Remember to do the 'Cloud Computing' assignment if you have not

done it yet.

This is the last blog assignment for the semester.  If you don't finish it,

save it in the cloud.  You can complete it for homework.  I'll take a

final look at the blogs on 20 September.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

M5 Chapter 5

Choose 2.

Have blog members help.

Choice 1: see page 39 about body
language.  Collect pictures of
body language and label what
the body language is communicating.
About 6 examples would be enough.

Choice 2:  see page 41, the project is to
write a short paragraph about a Thai festival.
Decorate with pictures.  Add a sound file
if you are able.

Choice 3:  see page 37, write a short article
about a Thai mythical creature.  Decorate with
pictures.  Add a sound file if you are able.

Remember to do 'cloud computing' BEFORE the
semester is over.

Remember to adjust the language settings so that
most of your blog is in English.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

M4 Fact File Zondle

After you create your quiz as explained in
the 16 August post, do the following:

1  go to and sign up as a teacher

2  find a game you like and use your quiz to make
    the game with your quiz

3  post the link to the blog - see mine below

a Judy's quiz game

4  one game per blog group